DE198 Storyteller Series | Peace and Love, Another Woodstock?

To Woodstock Or Not To Woodstock? - dHarmic Evolution Podcast
Peace And Love

Max Yasgur allowed his dairy farm to play host to 400,000 music fans at The Iconic Woodstock Music and Art Fair held at Bethel NY August 15, 1969.

Ha! It was never in Woodstock!

What was supposed to be 50,000 people attending, turned into more than 400,000!

My response to Woodstock many years later is a song called Peace and Love that reflected the times, the social temperament, the Vietnam war, the draft, the dead, and the courage of our young people that had risen peacefully to say “no more”, and, “hell no, we won’t go”!

Special thank you to Clara Scott for her article on Joni Mitchell. Clara is a writer for the Michigan Daily.

Joni Mitchell’s masterpiece, “Woodstock” and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young performed it at the Concert.

Laura Cheadle, my favorite Hippie, inspired this broadcast, please check out her Episode DE176, find out why the “hippie vibe” fits her so well!

Peace and Love were written by James Kevin O’Connor 2011.

Had a pretty good time, back in 1969, I was a little too young for Woodstock so I visit often now tye dye shirts, and Crimson cows, and Love, Hey just two words changed everyone, turned a lot of heads down in Washington, you can’t fight free will with a bigger gun, hey what’s all this crap about Peace and Love, don’t you know I’m in the middle of re-election.


Yeah, Peace and Love, Hey it’s easy Man, you don’t need to have a plan.

It’s in the holy bible and koran, hey far out man, I like living with a Cruzan tan, a little taste of living off the land, its such an easy thing to understand when East meets West there will be Peace and Love.

I remember waking up in a daze, staring through a purple haze, we’de all gather round to watch the evening news, praying that someone had the brains to blow out the fuse. That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind, flower power hell no we won’t go, while the jungle bleeds red, with teenage dead, what the hell we doing playing Giant steps on the Moon.


It’s amazing how we seem to find, a way to tiptoe around the landmines, I stretch my hand out connect to you, hey brother to brother, just twin reflections, of one another, could we take a chance and say, could we take a chance and say Namaste?

hey Namaste~

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DE197 Storyteller Series | Bless You

Storyteller Series, Bless You - dHarmic Evolution Podcast

Bless You

The 8 Beatitudes, what are they, and what do they do for you?

Why is the Sea of Galilee called a Sea? And why is it drying up?

Investigate the 8 Beatitudes and discover how they can inspire your life!

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, 
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 

Blessed are they who mourn, 
for they shall be comforted. 

Blessed are the meek, 
for they shall inherit the earth. 

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, 
for they shall be satisfied. 

Blessed are the merciful, 
for they shall obtain mercy. 

Blessed are pure of heart, 
for they shall see God. 

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, 
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” 

Gospel of St. Matthew 5:3-10

The Beatitudes is a message of Hope!

Heavenly Rock Star, he rocked your thoughts and paradigms, taught love and encouraged everyone to awaken to the Holy Fathers word, (no not the Pope) your Father in Heaven.

Perhaps working on your inner life, is far more important than our insisting on hunting and gathering?

Work on enhancing your own particular method of relationship with God, none of us have this down to an exact science on how to communicate with the Lord, but perhaps your unique way is the right way?

The dHarmic Evolution is now on Pandora, after passing the beta test this past summer, we have been selected amongst a small group of fellow podcasters to be on the Pandora streaming site.

You can now listen to us on Pandora, Spotify, Stitcher Radio, and iTunes.

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DE195 Storyteller Series | ”I’m Afraid” (Hear the Fear in This Song)

“Speak to Me” whom, or what speaks to you? - dHarmic Evolution Podcast
I Am Afraid, Mercy

What does fear sound like?

Listen to the song “I’m Afraid” at the end of this podcast.

High School upperclassman trying to show off selling his car, James was a prospect, but after he tried to be Dale Earnhardt Sr. or Richard Petty, Nascar champ, it did not work, the car crashed and no sale that day.

James was showing off his 17-year-old fabulous motorcycle skills by crashing his brand new Motorcycle into a parking lot crater while flying over the handlebars. Broken wrist, cuts, bruises, Humiliated, and bruised ego, but he survived!

Fear in the relationship ending, either you ending it, or them ending it, leave comments about this episode, what are you struggling with?

Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, sweating blood, seeing visions of soldiers mocking him, and knowing he was to be tortured brutally in a matter of hours then nailed to a cross, this is fear at its highest imaginable level, and he knew there was really no way to get around facing this.                                                                        
Mt of Olives still has olive trees that are over 2000 years old that still to this day produces olives!

I AM VICTORIOUS the album has the song I am Afraid that recreates the moments in the garden of Gethsemane before the arrest of Jesus.

Make sure you keep Gratitude in your life!

How many phobias can one have in one’s life? How many phobias can we create? We are just sooooo human!


The dHarmic Evolution is now on Pandora, after passing the beta test this past summer, we have been selected amongst a small group of fellow podcasters to be on the Pandora streaming site.

You can now listen to us on Pandora, Spotify, Stitcher Radio, and iTunes.

The physiology of fear, fight or flight, what happens to our body when we are attacked by fear? Autonomic responses and where they come from and why. The brain is quite an amazing machine!

Fear of speaking? Fear of performing, singing, playing an instrument?

Humbled and fortunate to be the voice of Jesus in this song, “I’m Afraid.”


If you like the song “I’m Afraid” you can download it here

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DE184 Storyteller Series | Rollin on It, Racing with a Peregrine Falcon from the top of El Capitan!

“Speak to Me” whom, or what speaks to you? - dHarmic Evolution Podcast
Rollin On It

It’s Hurricane Season in the Northeastern part of the United States, and it was appropriate to roll out a song that did not make the cut for the “Gratitude” album, today we are featuring “Rollin on It”


Like a runaway train hauling stacks of steel, with a cranked up firebox and greasy wheels, screaming down the mountain on a 45, I don’t think I’m gettin out of this one alive but I’m rollin on it.

Rollin on it, I’m rollin on, rollin like a wave on the ocean. Rollin on it, I’m rollin on it, just rollin on rollin like a wave of emotion. 

Standing on the top of El Capitan, I got a 31-foot green and yellow wingspan, caught a thermal rise in the afternoon sun, with a peregrine falcon having so much fun.


Rolling like the smoke from a runaway train, I’m rolling like the wind behind the driving rain, rolling like the heat from acetylene flame, I’m rolling with the power of a Hurricane. Irene, Katrina, Sandy, Hey Hugo, where did you go?

Still, big problems in the South with more intense flooding of homes and its not even over yet!

Please ask the Lord to bless those in need of relief from this horrible disruption of life and property!

Mentioned: Darrah Brustein on episode DE182

Hurricanes Leslie and Kirk developing?

Pick up my Free Yoga Ebook here!,, or on my FB page 

Rollin with situations, and ending up in a Hurricane, Irene, Katrina, Sandy, Hey Hugo, where did you go? 

Remix or rearrange the song to make it a keeper? 

Stats for dHarmic Evolution around the world and being #1 

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Whisper a prayer to the Lord for help for the people suffering from the Hurricane, the Lord is Listening!

Listen to the new song:



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DE182 Storyteller Series | Drill Down

“Speak to Me” whom, or what speaks to you? - dHarmic Evolution Podcast

“Who do you think your fooling, I got a good look inside of your mystique, I’m a man who needs to know what’s doing, hey, those big brown eyes, you keep them just out of reach”

Artists mentioned on this show!

Susan Muranty DE163

Genevieve Vitanzo DE181

Darrah Brustein Featured blog from Forbes magazine:

Darrah gave us 55 questions about how to get to know someone:

We get into some of these in this show!

Drill down Chorus: I’m gonna drill down baby, drill down deep, I wanna get to all the secrets you keep from me, drill down baby, drill down deep, I gonna be the first man who is able to reach you, now I’m able to reach you, Hey, how does it feel to have me steering your wheel, now I’m able to reach you, Hey, give me a chance I might have something to teach you!

JKO quotes:

“Isn’t it true, that we all are all able to teach each other something, if, we allow that process to unfold, don’t get so caught up in yourself and narcissistic and conceited to the fact that you have this down, you know it all and that nobody can teach you anything”

“There is always someone and often someone much younger than you, or who don’t have as much experience and the reason they can teach you something is because your not wired, the same way as they are, in problem-solving, reactions, anything that comes somebody’s way, we all process differently, so there is a world of opportunity, in just opening your mind up to every single person you encounter”

“Open up a conversation and you will learn something if you allow that process to unfold”

“There is a smorgasbord of intellectual opportunity”

Please include prayers for the people in the path of Hurricane Florence, ask the Lord Jesus to protect them with his love and kindness.


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DE180 Storyteller Series | “Favorite Song”, who is yours?

Storyteller Series “Favorite Song”, who is yours?

Why does a Favorite Song become a Favorite Song? why does it stay in your brain forever?

Why does it bring you back in time instantly to that Season? that smell? that first love? Our brain is amazing!

Why do we get happy when we hear that song? there is more going on in the brain chemically than we realize!

“Music must change, music will always change, as it is often a reflection of what is going on socially.”

“If your lucky enough to have kids, they can help keep you the cutting edge.”

“ No matter how many songs we create, there is always room for another good song.”

“Being the host of dHarmic Evolution, I am lucky enough to hear Indie Artists before they become Grammy stars.”

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Thank you to
Mark Joseph Stern for his blog
Why do we love the music we heard as teenagers?