James discusses investing in your spiritual life, and the value of this!

Investing is going to be the something special we will be doing on this episode of dHarmic Evolution. So join me for a ride today and let’s have a one-on-one about investing, and answer this question: Where are you spending your time and currency?

Investing in real estate, the stock market, bonds, precious metals, NFTs, Cryptos, the metaverse, these are some of the wise investments here on earth, but today we will dig deeper on what we should be more focused on. As we put our money into these things, where do we put ourselves when it comes to investing in our eternal future? Today, let me just share with you a few things that you can ponder upon to spend a more purposeful life, not just for your time here in the world but something that will last throughout eternity. 

It is important for everybody to think about their earthly responsibilities, investments, caring for their families, running their businesses, and earning a good living. But it’s more essential to focus on the Lord. Make Him your God and all the rest of what you want will surely easily fall into its place. So, let’s talk about what hinders us from coming near to Him, and by the time you finish this episode, I hope that we can all start by speaking to Him and coming confidently to God through our prayers. Have a blessed day ahead friends!



“Too few people are really focused on what comes next and even fewer are investing in their eternal future.”


“Where are we really missing something? It’s not in this life here on Earth. This is just a very, very short bus stop that we all find ourselves waiting at. The ultimate focus and excitement for all should be where am I going after this? As death is a certainty for all humankind.”


“If you like earning money, make as much money as you like, just don’t make it your God. Whatever you keep rolling around in your mind every minute of every day becomes your God. What about trying to keep your focus on the Lord, make Him your God and all the rest of what you want easily falls into place.”


“There are only two choices when you leave this earth – you’re either going up or you are going down. Our Lord is a kind, loving God, but he is a jealous God, and he can be an angry God when he’s pushed and disrespected, or he sees you worshiping false gods before him. No excuses. “


“Start investing right now, right this minute, speak to the Lord Jesus, He is your personal intercessor and represents your place in heaven. What is there to even think about? Like Nike says, just do it baby. And you just start by speaking to him.”


01:51 What the science marketers do to have people open their emails and newsletters.

04:14 Diversifying your portfolio and investing wisely.

04:50 Investing in your eternal future.

06:00 How often do you speak with the Lord?

06:49 Your relationships with the people around you and the Almighty God.

08:30 The story of Jesus preventing the Pharisees to stone the woman who sinned.

10:00 Being humble and keeping your judgments.

11:42 How much or how little of your time do you invest in your spiritual life?

15:09 How our careers consume who we are.

18:04 Talking about death and suicide.

20:06 God created us for a specific purpose, not to drift around aimlessly for all eternity.

22:40 What “Speak to Me” is about.

23:43 Listen to “Speak to Me” by James Kevin O’Connor

Spotify Playlist:

Our dHarmic Rising Stars Spotify playlist continuously grows! Now, with four playlists, there’s over 100 artists who will amaze you with their great talents and songs. Check out all the links and share it with your friends, family or other artists as well, and let me know what you think of these in the comments below!

dHarmic Rising Stars: Aquila


dHarmic Rising Stars: Orion


dHarmic Rising Stars: Lyra


dHarmic Rising Stars: Scorpius


dHarmic Evolution links:

Signed up to your favorite platform yet? Just head over to dharmicevolution.com and see the available podcast platforms that we have. That way you can easily get the show every single release that we put out, always on a Friday morning at 4:44am EST. Let us know what you think as well by leaving a comment!

Today we touched upon death and suicide today, and this starts with suffering from anxiety and depression. So if you know someone who is experiencing these, please have them check the book “7 Steps to Mental Freedom” It will be of great help to them! You can also easily find it on the main page of the website.

Don’t forget to also check out our Facebook page so you can keep up-to-date with what’s going on with dHarmic evolution, visit this link: https://www.facebook.com/dharmicevolution

Also, if you are an artist, an author, or a keynote speaker, who is trying to find a safe place to post your content, you can check out the Facebook community and let the world support you! Check out this link: dHarmic Evolution Community. 

Special Links and Mentions:

Frank Kern

Tony Robbins

Bible Verses Mentioned

John 8:1-30 

Matthew 7:1-3

Matthew 10:33

John 1

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